Mount Umunhum Update
Nov 28, 2017
Basim Jaber
Mount Umunhum Update
Basim Jaber is a lifelong South Bay native and freelance photographer
who has researched the history and geography of Mt. Umunhum and the
Almaden Air Force Station since 2006.  He continues to archive historic
images and artifacts from Almaden Air Force Station and gives many slide
show presentations to interpret the history and memories of this Bay Area
Cold War relic.  His relationship with the veterans and dependents who
lived and served on the site has earned him their respect, trust, and
status as their official historian and archivist.  Basim also serves as a
board director on the Umunhum Conservancy, a non-profit organization with
a mission to save and preserve the historic radar tower atop Mt. Umunhum