Understanding American Muslims
Sep 05, 2017
Maha Elgenaidi
Understanding American Muslims
Maha ElGenaidi, President and CEO, Islamic Network Group:"Understanding Islam in America 

Perhaps no community has been more misunderstood and even demonized in recent years in the United States than Muslims. At a time when this community is developing a stronger political voice, prejudice and fear work together to keep it at the margins of acceptance in the broader American social landscape. Why is this happening? And how much have fundamentalists compromised the image of Islam around the world? Maha ElGenaidi will address these and other pressing questions on the Middle East. 
Maha is the founder of ING and author of training handbooks on outreach for American Muslims as well as training seminars for public institutions on developing cultural competency with the American Muslim community. She received an M.A. in religious studies from Stanford University and B.A in political science and economics from the American University in Cairo. She has taught classes on Islam in the modern world at Santa Clara University, Stanford University, and the University of California at Santa Cruz, and has been recognized with numerous awards, including the “Civil Rights Leadership Award” from the California Association of Human Relations Organizations and “Citizen of the Year Award” from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.