President Meghan Burton welcomed us and began the meeting at 12:30.
Ron Cassel led the flag salute.
Dan Snyder shared a personal experience about a recent time he was asked to contribute to the community. It was inconvenient, but it ended up feeling very empowering. What we do matters. Hold back our doubt and criticism and let the good happen.

- Joann Smith from the Los Gatos morning club welcomed us all to come to their meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 am at the Los Gatos Lodge.
- Ramon Ware introduced his wife, Elaine, who just retired.
- Paul Johnson introduced Sonja Tappan, the new president of the Los Gatos Education Foundation.
- Suzanne Boxer Gassman introduced Jenny Athena Wong, author.
- Terri Trotter introduced Galina Dodium, who is a prospective member visiting for the second time.

This week’s hard boiled eggs for the homeless were decorated for an April shower bring May flowers theme.

Rotarians in the Wild: Meghan Burton was at the Madonna Inn in SLO and showed a photo of her by the Rotary sign.
Next Tuesday: There is NO meeting at Shir Hadash!
Instead, we meet at the New Museum Los Gatos (NUMU) on 106 E. Main Street, where the old Los Gatos library used to be. Meet at 12 noon for lunch and a tour.
Rachelle Lopp received the Public Image Award for our Rotary District 5170 for her marketing and public relations efforts for our club.
Paul Christiansen thanked everyone for a successful race. There were 505 registrants and 350 actual runners.
We grossed $54K and net proceeds is an estimated $25K (1/3 to scholarships and 2/3 to charities).
Thank you to Lissa who emceed, Patti and Rachelle and Lisa and Martha who handled sponsors, marketing, the fair, etc, Mike Norcia for all his indispensable knowledge and help, John Cowell who resurrected the high school contest, and many more.

Marty Fishman plugged our annual Polio Plus drive. We are working to eradicate polio completely - for a success story like smallpox. There is no treatment for infection. We are so close - please join End Polio Now by donating. Lots of different ways to donate - contact Marty Fishman, Avis LaGrone, or Dan Snyder or donate at my rotary.com.
Mike Norcia reminded us of our big Centennial Celebration Tuesday May 7th at 6pm at the Mountain Winery. Cocktail hour and mingling, followed by dinner, then a program. See Mike for tickets.
Our Guest Speaker is not a guest! Ramon Ware.
Author of the book: Soar to Leadership Success: Lead Your Team Like an Aviator
Success is a feeling - it’s about feeling jazzed about what we are doing and what we have achieved.
Leadership success is inciting that feeling of success in others.
He discussed parallels between flying and running a business. From planning to take off to the flight itself to landing.
For example, at take off you run at 70%. Why? So you always have more if you need it. In business it is the same - manage that energy and thrust for you and your team.
He shared some fun and nail biting stories from his flying days in the Air Force and made parallels to life and professional success.
3 main takeaways:
- Manage your energy/thrust so you have a reserve to draw upon when needed.
- Keep motivated- that’s your lift.
- Be aware of your environment. If you don’t it could knock you out of the sky.