The meeting was called to order.
Guests were Bill Wilson (a guest of President Doug’s), and Carol Goedde of San Jose Rotary Silicon Valley who is looking to join our club.
Inspiration was by Jean Marc Blanchard. He told the story of a struggling man who saved a run-away stroller from traffic. A video of the event went viral and he received many notes of support, making him realize his value. Never underestimate that a 10 second compliment to a stranger could change a life.

Jean Marc visited a Rotary club in Serbia since he was there on work. He retold the meeting details and exchanged banners. He recommends we all do this when traveling.
President Doug thought it was good timing to share Rachelle Lopp’s video created for the 100 yr celebration. She articulated how she sees the value of Rotary in pulling together our community in these toxic times. Indeed she was well spoken and we are lucky to have her as incoming President Elect.
Suzanne announced that the CrabFest is sold out, at the earliest point ever, but to reach out to her to be put on a waiting list if tickets open up.
Signup sheets were circulated for help on day of event.

- Thank you to Cindy Gentile putting lunches together and for the delicious desserts brought in by Michelle, Marjory, and Karen. Andrew Howard then promptly got up to get some ha!
- Patti said she visited Sarita at a care facility she has been in since November. She welcomes visitors. Anyone can drop in to say hi at Westwood Post Acute Care on Petersen in San Jose. Lydia noted as chair of the We Care committee to let her know of members with health or other issues, and that she sent a card to Sarita.
- Doug noted it was nice to see Kirsten and Avis returning to meetings, and that Lissa is returning from surgery.
- Feb 2 is the Rick King Tribute Dinner if interested
- Paper bulletins are now available from Ron Cassel. Also the Club Runner app is available for member contact info.
- Rise Against Hunger volunteer event is March 29. Sign-ups later.
- No first Tuesday in Feb
- The champ form grant process is ongoing, due Feb 28. Meghan sent the links to be used, and a small correction will be made soon to the link.
- Karen Briones shared a family photo from her daughter’s recent wedding in Carmel.
- Doug reminded us to send in family photos, and Judy reminded him she did 3 times ha!

30 for 30:
- Avis gave $100 (half to club, half to scholarship) because she missed us all after 16 months of being gone to remodel her house
- Kirsten gave $100 (half to club, half to scholarship) because she is happy to be back and will be a grandmother in May
- Nicholas noted he was happy Lissa’s NFL team won Saturday (wink)
- Patti asked the annual question of why the baby crab didn’t bid at the Rotary auction yet…guess he was a little shellfish
- Andrew gave $30 in thanks for the delicious desserts
- Doug gave $100 to scholarship because his daughter has a new job at the Space Force
Guest Speaker
The speaker was Mike Lynch, author of “Alcatraz: the Last Escape”. It is an enduring mystery whether Frank Morris, and brothers John and Clarence Anglin, escaped from Alcatraz prison in 1962. It is widely believed that they succumbed to the waters of San Francisco Bay, though no trace of the men has ever been found―only their makeshift raft. Our guest speaker, Mike Lynch co-authored a book with the escapees' nephew, Ken Widner, in which they present compelling evidence that Morris and the Anglin uncles did in fact survive. Mike told details of the brothers growing up poor near Tampa in a large family, an early life of crime, how they used toy guns in the robberies since they didn’t want to hurt anyone. He also told of their brides and mobster acquaintances, including Micky Cohen’s girlfriend Candy Barr (no relation to Riley?). They were sent to prison many times, and often escaped and returned home, making them easy to find. They were almost executed for an Alabama bank robbery that netted $19k, but got 40 years instead. They were caught trying to escape Leavenworth and were sent to Alcatraz. The brothers along with 2 others planned an elaborate escape that involved tunneling through the air ducts with spoons, building fake masks so it looked they were in bed, crafting a row boat and oars. On the night of the escape, a boat had been arranged to pick them up, and they were taken to Half Moon Bay, where a pilot flew a small plane to Mexico. They hid in Mexico and later were photographed as farmers in Brazil in 1975, so it appears they did make it out. Their brother Alfred was believed to be tortured in prison for info on where they were in Mexico. The well-spoken author was available for questions and book sales at the end.
The meeting was adjourned.