The meeting was called to order.
- Barry Bronson of Saratoga Rotary
- Carol Goedde of San Jose Rotary Silicon Valley
Jean Marc Blanchard elicited groans with his fishy CrabFest jokes, not clamming up at all as he muscled his way through them. He then told us the inspiring story of a football halfback, who became a severely injured Vietnam vet, who then came back to start for the Steelers, demonstrating football is not just about muscle but heart.
President Doug shared a video from the Chamber’s Holiday photo booth, which highlighted the Rotarians that volunteered with the event.

Janice LeFevre with Inner Wheel of Saratoga explained their childhood prosthesis project. She was offering raffle tickets for baskets that help support the project. Kathy Benko, also an Inner Wheel member, helped by showing the different sizes of prosthesis’ offered from molded ones for infants, to 3D printed ones for teens with max mobility. They also have a champagne brunch coming up Feb 23 in Saratoga for $75.
- Feb 2 is the Rick King Tribute Dinner if interested
- Paper bulletins are now available from Ron Cassel. Also the Club Runner app is available for member contact info.
- Rise Against Hunger volunteer event is March 29. Sign-ups later.
- No first Tuesday in Feb
- The champ form grant process is ongoing, due Feb 28. Meghan sent the links to be used.
- Tina needs fridge space for CrabFest grocery items.
- Guest Barry Bronson of Saratoga Rotary announced he has formed a walking club on West Valley JC Campus Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:20. Meet at coffee shop for a 2 mile walk. His cell is 408 888-1134
- Suzanne noted CrabFest is sold out. Let her know if you can’t make it so your ticket becomes available for those on wait list.
- Dan and Mike were selling advance tickets for CrabFest drinks at the meeting.
- Rotary Families this week was a combo for sisters Terri and Tina, so we got to see their spouses, kids and grandkid Beckett.
- Doug played a 100 year celebration video of Andrew Howard explaining his appreciation of our international grant programs, and how a trip he took to the Philippines provided rewarding fellowship.

30 for 30:
- Lisa pledged $30 to Charities Foundation for her appreciation of Elaine taking over the auction this year. Several others raised their hands to copy the pledge.
- Rachelle gave $30 to the club in appreciation of new member Bliss taking over social media posts. Thank you Bliss!
- Jean Marc announced his new book release on overseas Chinese ports in Asia.
- David Wells thanked Derrick Du for taking over as Crab Tech leader

Elaine thanked all CrabFest business sponsors and Rotarian sponsors, plus solicitors and donors. She presented a detailed handout on how to register for the auction bidding online. Crab Techs were helping all those interested in signing up. She brought 60 items that could be taken home for the “win it now” price. Poor Ramon was hoping most items would be taken home by others so he wouldn’t have to cart them home himself haha! David reminded all there are no physical tickets for entry.
The meeting was adjourned.