Meghan Burton opened the meeting. Patti van der Burg led the flag salute.
For inspiration, Andrew Howard talked about his feelings when he is out surfing: floating on the water and feeling beautifully insignificant in the ocean. He talked about backpacking in our national parks with his family and urged us to connect with nature. “Read and enjoy the wonder book of nature.” -Teddy Rosevelt

Sarita Johnson introduced her daughter-in-law Lisa Johnson
Barry Cheskin introduced Larry Fox, his neighbor, who is visiting us for the second time
Mike Frangadakis introduced his son Anthony Frangadakis who is taking over his business
Mike Norcia introduced his neighbor, Teri Rodgers.
Other visitors included Diane Erickson and Brenda Birrell.
Rotarians in the Wild
Every week our president Meghan Burton will share an image or two of our club members out enjoying nature. Today she shared a photo of Mike Norcia and Doug Carlen hiking the Grand Canyon in May 2022.
The boiled eggs for St Lukes were decorated with a summer fun theme this past week. So creative!
Our club received a Hero Award from Shelter Box for our donations last year to assist Ukrainian refugees.
Upcoming Events
Aug 1 - First Tuesday at the Levins home
Aug 9- Our annual backpack stuffing party with Pacific Clinics from 1:30-4:00. Email Gae La Torre if interested.
Aug 5- (early morning, to be finished before 10 am store opening) Back to School shopping event with WVCS where we help kids go shopping at Old Navy at Westgate. Look for the email Suzanne Boxer-Gassman will send out with the sign-up link.

Gae La Torre and Ron Cassel gave out an award that was missed at the Roast and Toast:
Marty Fishman received a plaque for outstanding service to our club.
Thanks Chris Cho who is standing in today for Gregg Butterfield as our meeting audio/visual specialist. We will be seeing more of him!

30 for 30
- Patti van der Burg appreciated Tina Orsi-Hartigan’s paella and bocce party that she won at auction.
- Sarita Johnson is celebrating her 93rd birthday today! She rang the bell for the scholarship foundation and we all sang happy birthday.
- Sue Heller talked about her Fun Time Singers concert on Aug 12 and 13. Talk to her for tickets.
- Mike Frangadakis reminded us that his visiting son, Anthony, helped us beat the formidable San Jose Rotary back when we had district softball leagues.
- Ron Cassel recommended Les Miserables at the Orpheum in San Francisco.
- Cindy Gentile announced she just got her first full time job in a long time. She recommended we all send recipe ideas to her husband who now has to cook dinner!
- Eric Ebberle, after having rotator cuff surgery, just won gold in his pickle ball competition! Congratulations.
Guest Speaker Brenda Birrell
Save a Girl Program at Global Uplift Project
Global Uplift Project was founded on the idea that if everyone just does a little bit, we can do amazing things.
Starting with a dollar from a high school student in 2007, they have now done 321 projects in Kenya, Nepal, Nicaragua, Indonesia, South Africa, and more, impacting 2 million of the poorest people in the world.
Save a Girl Project is one of many Global Uplift Projects, but is particularly dear to Brenda's heart. This small service can keep a girl in school for an additional 3-5 years. Girls drop out in some communities when they start menstruating because they have no access to feminine hygiene products. Once they start missing up to a week every month, they fall behind and they drop out.
Brenda saw the issue, talked to women on the ground, and decided to design and make her own sanitary pads that could be made on treadle sewing machines by women in the communities. Each girl gets 8 pads, 2 shields, and a little waterproof bag. They set up sewing centers with equipment and training to empower women. They make pads, but they also graduate to make dresses, layette sets, or anything they can sell at the local market, thereby launching themselves as businesswomen.
Save a Girl also does education modules to discuss hygiene, sex education, and self-defense. Local older women teach the session so that the information comes from someone they know and trust. This is often the only time they will ever hear about this subject.
55,000 kits have been distributed in 9 countries. The kits last 3-5 years and cost only $6, which includes paying women 30-40% more than they’d make in other similar jobs.
And the results? With them, missed school days are down by 93% in these communities, pregnancies are down by 92%. And national test scores for girls are up.
It is within our reach to materially change the human condition.
'Even the greatest waterfall starts with a single drop of water.” - Bantu saying
Save a Girl was selected by Meghan to receive her DDF money this year.
Next week’s program is Assemblymember Gail Pellerin.