President Doug called the meeting to order at 12:30. Karen Briones led the pledge.
Visitors were
-Stacey Russel, a Rotarian from Colorado, checking out the club
-Nathan, whose application for membership is in yay
-Audrey Bridges, Kirsten’s daughter visiting from Houston
John Pencer inspired us by reminding us although it’s been a tough week due to the election, look inward and checks and balances should save us. Mind your mental health by doing what you enjoy and by helping others.
November birthdays were noted and cupcakes provided to all. Thanks Cindy and team. Rotary anniversaries were noted, including John Colwell at 59 years and Tina at 23 years. The St Luke eggs had a flag theme due to vets and election day. Thanks Randy and Kathy.
Red Badges were presented to new Rotarians Sarah Schiltz (sponsor Lydia Norcia), and Barbara Rogan (sponsor Dan Snyder, introduced by Tina).
Hunger at Home sent a thank you letter for the service project our club recently helped on. Also JW House shared on social media tagging us. Doug shared photos from the JW House service event.
Skip and Donna Brewster shared their service trip to Nepal in September. It was led by 2 Rotarians from Oakland and Niles Canyon. They traveled to 6 cities and said the people were warm and the country was beautiful. They were addressing cervical cancer by providing test kits for early HPV detection. Since vaccines often aren’t available in developing countries, test kits are needed. In 1 Kathmandu clinic they held, they had an overwhelming response of 200 patients, and estimated 2 lives were saved that day. They shared flags and books from Nepal Rotary clubs.



  • Meghan announced the President’s Brunch is Dec 1  at Cinnabar Hills. See her to sign up. Always an elegant and inspiring way to start the season.
  • Jeff and Lissa announced we are having a holiday drive for Jewish Family Services. We will be asked to provide 20 gifts to older adults, plus Target gift cards if you like. They will send out a link to give.
  • Secretary David Hubbard explained our process continues for selecting the Nominating Committee, which will determine next year’s officers. Initial vote yielded 10 candidates. Current vote via email will determine the final 5 for the Committee. Check your email and reply by Saturday.
Doug went to Rotary International outside Chicago last week for a meeting on RI Technology, which he was selected to serve on. He was honored to be part of it and shared some photos.
This week’s Rotary family was Ron Cassel and partner Beverly Stein. He shared pictures of  their cruise through Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Malta. What a trip! He gave $100 to Scholarship.


30 for 30:

  • Kirsten gave $100 to scholarship in honor of her daughter attending for first time
  • Judy announced she had a fall which prompted her daughter to come visit and help with Julian’s care, then later her son did the same as she battled Covid. She gave $30 for each kid turning out so good. Well done!


Lissa introduced Madam Mayor Badame. She joined the Town Council in 2020 and has 1 month left as mayor. Rotarian Matthew Hudes is up for next year. She gave this project report:
  • accomplishments included certifying the Housing Element in July, defining town priorities, creating a senior services roadmap, hiring a new town manager, starting a bridge at Hwy 9 and 17, and working with the new finance commission
  • she attended many official events and ribbon cuttings
  • she thanked those serving on town commissions, veterans, and Rotarians for their service
  • Paul asked her to explain her connection to Pat Tillman Jr (NFL player who tragically died in Afghanistan), which she shared at  the Fisher Veterans Day event. Her long term boyfriend is Pat Tillman Sr. His legacy lives on in a foundation in his name, and is widely remembered as an extraordinary hero.
  • Leroy noted his close friendship with Pat Sr
  • Grady thanked her for supporting an increase to homeless emergency hotel room funds  in bad weather
  • Ryan asked her challenges for the Council next year and she said land use as the Builder Remedy proposals go thru (the Lodge, Post Office, ACE, New Town)
  • Jeff asked if the Town Seniors Commission he’s on is the best
  • Gary asked about fire mitigation in the hills and she said it’s ongoing
  • Doug asked if there is any action on summer beach traffic, and she said it will be a priority next year but solution may be painful
  • Tom asked what was surprising and she said that she became more compassionate to all citizens as she heard all their concerns
  • Derek asked if the town can help with education funding as Department of Education funding may go away and she wasn’t sure
  • Lydia asked how Meadows rebuild is going and she said it’s in process with planning
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30