Meeting opened by Doug Brent at 12:30
Pledge of Allegiance by Greg Gentile
Guests and Rotary Visitors
- Lisa Blanchard
- Georgina Ong
- Tom Bondi – SJ chapter
- Kathleen Thomas – SJ Chapter
- Sarah Schiltz
- Patricia Hibbard
Inspiration by Suzanne Boxer-Gassman
- Read from Chicken Soup of the Soul – Rules for being human.
Eggs for St Lukes – Halloween theme
World Polio Day is October 24 – Marty Fishman
Polio remains a prevalent problem, despite 99% of population being immunized. Polio is highly contagious disease and the need for surveillance and immunization is essential. We are seeking worldwide irradiation.
For more information go to: www.endpolio.org
Bike Safety Training – Thank you for all who participated

Enterprise Leadership Conference - Tom Bondi and Mike Norcia
- Business immersion for high school students
- March 12-14
- Looking for volunteers and keynote speakers
Rotary 24 Fall Fundraisers on Nov 9th in Saratoga Theater, Movie will be the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Cause will be LGMS police foundation– Jean Marc Blanchard
Our rotary family – Gae La Torre
In service project _ Lissa Kreisler introduced Grateful Garment

1:30 – meeting adjourned.