Andrew Stearns welcomed us all to the meeting

Ed Graziani said the pledge of allegiance

Judy Rodriguez gave inspiration aligned with the new season of autumn. Letting go of something is a sign of gratitude. As much as we enjoy summer, we can release it just as trees let go of their leaves. When we move forward we allow something new to come in.


  • Chris Trapani
  • Ed Graziani
  • And many family members - children and grandchildren - of Lloyd Grant

Club updates:

Michael Frangadakis ‘Mike the Greek’ has shipped out to work with 800 firefighters near Porterville

Patti is our member of the week on social media. See all profiles here and email Amy Potts if you would like to submit a photo and quote to be featured.

Rotary Club of Los Gatos received the Rotary International Presidential Citation with Platinum Distinction under Marty’s leadership

Lisa Cheskin, membership committee chair, announced a new recruitment award. Most of us have brought in 1 or 2 new members. Please think about potential new members and invite them so you can make this list next year.

Top 5 recruitment awards: 

5th place - Andrew Howard, John Pencer, Steve Rice (tied)

4th - Mike The Greek, Marlon Smith (tied)

3rd - Mike Norcia

2nd - Tina Orsini-Hartigan

1st - John Colwell

Club recognition:

Ron presented Ed Graziani and Chris Trapani with a plaque in recognition of many consecutive years of support for the Great Race. Congratulations to them both! Chris thanked the group and expressed appreciation for The Sereno Group’s partnership to help community groups. Ed acknowledged his dad and says Rotary has taught him to ask ‘what can we do better’.

Ron presented Lloyd Grant with a plaque in recognition of his “tireless commitment to truth, fairness, goodwill, better friendships, and working for the benefit of all mankind.”

Lloyd said some lovely words about how Rotary has given back to him more than he has given. It was a pleasure to have so many of his family members present to see him receive this distinction.


First Thursday is THIS week at Flights, 10/1 5:30-7:30pm. See you there!

Mark your calendars! Our Fall Fundraiser Movie Night is October 23 at Calvary Church parking lot. We will have 60 people in chairs (max allowed) and the rest in cars. Interactors will serve snacks. Movie TBD.

LG Chamber of Commerce wants Los Gatos service groups to help with coordinated efforts, such as delivering Thanksgiving meals to seniors. Let Dick know if you have ideas or want to participate.

We have a service opportunity on 10/28 to help at Second Harvest Food Bank. Contact Patti van der Burg if you can help. 

Next week’s Rotary meeting challenge: Bring a pet to rotary! Feature your furry/scaly/feathered friend as your Zoom avatar or background!



David Mineta from Momentum for Health (largest non profit mental health/substance abuse program in Santa Clara Co)

Behavior Health is mental health plus substance abuse disorders. David addressed both.

Dave’s Covid Rule: Whatever health issue existed for you before Covid is now exaggerated.

1000% increase in calls to disaster help lines like overdose, suicide, domestic violence, etc  compared to same period in 2019.

Because of economic fallout we project continued increases in needs at the same time that funding will decrease.

Momentum for Health has moved online/phone in response to Covid. Used to be 1% phone/online, now it is 80%.

2014 stats: 1 in 12 have had some substance abuse issue. 1 in 5 have some kind of mental health disorder.

We need to treat behavior health the same way we treat physical health like diabetes and heart disease. We need to address the treatment gap. Only 50% of people who need mental health treatment get it. Only 10% of those with substance abuse disorder get needed treatment.

We need to make it less stigmatizing. 

There’s a virtual walk for suicide prevention coming up in October- one local and one national, both virtual. See to get involved.

Click here to see the speaker slides.

And finally:

Andrew ended the meeting with a quote from Mother Theresa. “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love….”