The meeting was called to order by President Meghan Burton.
The flag was brought in and pledge led by Boy Scout Troop 2. Senior Patrol Leader Kevin Haas gave us an overview of what the scouts do.
Inspiration by John Pencer. John shared the poem “I Wish You Enough” to remind us that every life is full of ups and downs. It read, in part:
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright,
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:
- We had a special visitor from India. Suresh Harjani from Rotary Coimbatore Elite Club 8711. He talked about some of the projects his club has going. He and Meghan exchanged flags.
- Jan Eric Nordmo from Troop 2 (also in Santa Clara Rotary)
- Alex Greene also from Santa Clara Rotary
- Not really a visitor but it has been a long time since Sandy Bocks has been able to attend. Hope to see you more often now Sandy.
- Kevin Haas Troop 2

- Ed Stahl shared that he has been named the oldest person to go to the North Pole by Guinness World Records. Well done, Ed!
- Rotarian in the Wild this week was Gordon Levin kayaking in Glacier Bay. Gordon said he has kayaked here several times over the last 30 years and he has watched it recede to gravel.
- Thank you, Randy Cobb and Kathie Benko for the beautiful butterfly eggs.
- Tina Orsi-Hartigan announced the club BBQ at Oak Meadow Park Aug. 22. This is an adults only event. Cost is $50/pp includes everything. Aug. 15 is the last day to let her know if you are attending.
- Gae La Torre presented Anjana Bose with a certificate of appreciation for all she has done for our club. Avis La Grone also presented her with a Paul Harris award. Anjana is leaving our club, she will be missed.

- Gae presented Diane Eriksson with her Red Badge.
- Meghan asked that members who champion an organization that received a grant from us should ask them to come to speak to us for 2-5 minutes to tell us what they did with the money.
- Next week is the collection day for items for the farm workers in Pajaro. This project is being led by SJR. Anyone who wants to can caravan down to Watsonville to drop off the items and join a no host lunch. Please RSVP by Aug. 14 if you would like to join the group for lunch.
- We will have a booth at Jazz on the Plazz this Wednesday. We don’t need volunteers but come by to say hi.
No time for 30 for 30

Our speaker today was Lisa Newman. Lisa grew up in Saratoga in the 60’s and 70’s and developed a real love for the orchards near her home. She now works as a city planner but she still has a love for all things orchard. She has written a book called For the Love of Apricots. In this book she talks about the history of orchards in the Valley of the Hearts delight, as well as including many recipes for apricots sweet, savory or drinks. Lisa had a wealth of knowledge of the orchards right in our backyard, as well as how some towns have preserved heritage orchards. One of her goals is to help preserve what is left of the agriculture that is left in our area.