Meeting called to order by President Mike Norcia at 12:30
Pledge led by Kirsten Bridges
Inspiration by Erika Buck from The Extraordinary Book of Useless Information. In honor of Halloween, from the chapter Mummy Dearest, she shared the story of Japanese monks who practiced Sokunshinbutsu, this involved starving themselves until they died and their bodies were naturally preserved. Happy Halloween!
- Paul Johnson introduced Mary Lonhart, Principal R.J. Fisher MS
- Ron Cassel introduced Rob Stump, EVP Corporate Learning
- Marlon Smith introduced John Walker, retired, here for his second visit
- Theresa Bricker, Ros Edmonds and Avi Luthra from Art Docents
- Avis La Grone introduced Kate Cowan GS of Northern CA and
- Joan Bertolotti from St. Luke’s

Barbara Fishman presented Bobbi Bornstein with her Blue Badge.

Tina Orsi-Hartigan presented Skip and Donna Brewster with their Red Badges.
Rotarians celebrating birthdays:
- Steve Rice Oct.3
- Mike Norcia Oct. 4
- Ed Stahl Oct. 6
- Skip Brewster Oct. 11
- Barbara Fishman Oct. 13
- Paul Yeadon Oct. 18
- Doug Brent Oct. 21
- Dick Konrad Oct. 24
- Myron Smith Oct. 24
- Gregg Butterfield Oct. 25
- Tina Orsi-Hartigan Oct. 27
- Jack Chevlen Oct. 29
- Julian Rodriguez Oct. 29
- Charles Goss Oct. 31
Rotarian Club Anniversaries:
- Chris Trapani 22 years
- Mike Norcia 20 years
- Andrea Lee 11 years
- Wes Sadumiano 10 years
- Patti van der Burg 8 years
- Marty Fishman 6 years
- Dick Konrad 6 years
- Doug Brent 4 years
Congratulations everyone, thank you for all you do for our club and community.
Service Projects:
We had a successful project with Rebuilding Together. Mike showed a few pictures from the day, he also read a thank you letter from the homeowner. She was so appreciative.
Camp improvement at Hidden Falls Oct. 29. Contact Avis for more information.
Rotarians on the town:
Barbara and Marty shared a picture of themselves taken on a Rotary bench in Selma, Alabama.
- Henry Vitkovich reminded us about the Presidents Brunch on Dec. 4 at Cinnabar Golf Course. He shared an excellent video from Suzanne Boxer Gassman showing us how much fun past brunches have been. You won’t want to miss it. Henry stayed after the meeting to give people a chance to sign up or you can sign up online. The cost is $60 per person.
- Fall Fundraiser Nov. 12 There will be 2 showings of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever at the Cinelux Theater in Campbell. Early bird pricing $40 for the 4:45 show and $45 for the 7:15 showing. Both will go up $5 after Nov. 8. Jean-Marc Blanchard will sell tickets after the meeting. You can also order tickets from Tina Orsi-Hartigan at orsihartigan@gmail.com. This event benefits Lighting for Literacy.
- Marty presented information on World Polio Day which was yesterday. We should all be very proud of what Rotary has done to help in the eradication of this horrible disease, we are in the final push. RI created PolioPlus in 1985 and led the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988. Our campaign for PolioPlus with be in the Spring of 2023. Go to endpolio.org for more information.
- Doug Brent announced the 10 nominees for the Nominating Committee. Ballots will be sent out by email, select 5 names. Don’t forget to hit submit.
30 for 30
- Greek went to Tahiti. He calls it Hawaii on steroids, beautiful without the crowds.
- Nick Welzenbach thanked Gregg Butterfield. He left his bike helmet here and when he got it back, Gregg had added a rearview mirror to it to keep him safe.
- Clayton Bruntz had a wonderful trip to New England. It had everything, beautiful leaves, lobster and cheap gas.
Our program was a presentation and thank you from some of the projects we have supported financially this past year.
- Art Docents (Champion Tina) Theresa from gave us an overview of the program which has been a part of the LGUSD for 50 years. Students grades K-7 have hands-on workshops as well as classroom time to learn about art. The curriculum ties into the other lessons, particularly STEAM subjects. There is a district wide art show in the Spring. They do not fundraise so they depend on donations and she thanked us for our long-time support of the Guest Artist Program. Paul Johnson will let us know the dates of the art show.
- Girl Scouts of NorCal (Champion Avis) Kate thanked us for our support of the GS camps for 15 years. They are working to get the camps repaired and ready for their programs. They lost 2 camps in the fire. They will use the funds to make improvements to Hidden Falls. Outside adventure is one of the 5 pillars of GS and they try to make sure every girl can participate. Last year they sent 175 girls to camp for free. There is a work party at Hidden Falls Oct. 29, contact Avis if interested.
- St. Luke’s Food Pantry (Champion Avis) Joan told us the pantry serves around 14-16 people per week. In the past, our club did a hot meal once per quarter. After the pandemic our club stepped up and started providing a meal every week. They are so appreciative of our club which has allowed them to keep providing meals. Thanks to LG Rotary they never missed a Tuesday. In addition to the lunches (and the beautiful eggs from Kathie) our donation has helped them provide shelf stable food for the weekly grocery bags.
There is NO lunch time meeting next week. We will hold our First Tuesday event at the home of Erin Hartnett.